Virt Camp (EDC 640) Virt Camp was located in beautiful Malibu, California on the Dreschner campus of Pepperdine University.  During the Virt Camp course we were paired with our new peers, we are collectively known as Cadre XI. I will consistently refer to the Cadre, or group, in this site. We were required to complete several mind exhausting, "hard fun" tasks. We relied on the wisdom of the crowd and the expertise of each member to design and program a successful Olympic lego robot; cohesive bonds were formed and the bar was set high for the upcoming year in OMET.

A successfully programmed Lego Robot. Sensors detected dark and light zones which allowed the robot to move around a track.

Distributed Learning Environment (EDC 641) Distributed Learning is reshaping my teaching philosophy. According to Maureen Bowman of CSUMB, "Distributed learning is not just a new term to replace the other 'DL,' distance learning. Rather, it comes from the concept of distributed resources. Distributed learning is an instructional model that allows instructor, students, and content to be located in different, non centralized locations so that instruction and learning occur independent of time and place. The distributed learning model can be used in combination with traditional classroom-based courses, with traditional distance learning courses, or it can be used to create wholly virtual classrooms. Learners gain a greater degree of control of how, when, and where their learning occurs. They also increase their level of responsibility for their own learning and are no longer passive receptacles of information and knowledge."  I find the notion of dismissing the student as a passive receptacle quite intriguing; this idea will ring loudly in my quest to morph into a better teacher. The distributed learning environment was exemplified in the Distributed Learning Wiki that Cadre 11 constructed together; we compiled insights and knowledge in an asynchronous environment.

 Action Research Project (EDC 638 A)


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